
Quest 59: GF Macaroni & Cheese

Mac n' Cheese has always been one of my favorite foods. It has been a little more of a challenge since being diagnosed with Celiac. The boxed stuff is okay, but I would like share with you this recipe. What does this have to do with the Legend of Zelda? Well let me tell you - there are cows in the LoZ; and where there are cows - there is cheese! We often overlook the cows in OoT and Majora's Mask as anything but give me milk, and I think we should celebrate them a little more!And the macaroni part is just delicious - so let's just go with it! Enjoy!

2 cups GF Pasta - I am using Corn Ducks!
8 oz of Shredded Cheese - I an using a combination of various cheddar cheeses
2 T. Butter
2 T. Potato Starch
1/2 cup Milk
Salt and Pepper
1 cup frozen peas

Follow the directions for you pasta. Boiling water and salting the water before adding the pasta.
While you are waiting for the pasta to cook, shred your cheese.  Use block cheese - it melts better than pre-shredded cheese.
Drain your pasta in a colander and get started on the sauce.
In the pan you cooked the pasta in, melt the butter.
Add the potato starch and salt and pepper to taste. Cook together until the roux becomes a light brown color.
Add milk and allow it come to just before a boil.
Remove from heat and add cheese. Stir until melted
Add frozen peas and stir to combine.
Fold in pasta and enjoy as a side or as a meal unto itself.

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