
Quest 81: Eenie and Meenie's Brussels Sprouts with Bullbo Strips

Today, Eenie & Meenie want to remind us to eat our vegetables. They never said we had to eat them steamed and lightly salted - so today, we are going to jazz up Brussels Sprouts with some bacon! Now I understand that Brussels Sprouts have a bad rap from what we have done to vegetables over time - you know about all the creaming they have taken! But I assure you that will a little care, these little cabbages will be on your menu too. Enjoy!

1-2 lbs Brussels Sprouts
1/2 lb. Bacon, uncooked
Salt & Pepper
Mandolin with guard
Non stick pan


Very carefully, slice on the second thinnest setting on your mandolin. Make sure to use the hand guard!
That's nice! Once all of the sprouts are done, set aside.
Cut bacon into small bite-sized pieces. Add to a non stick pan and place on low to render out some of the fat.
Once the bacon is cooked about half-way through, add the sprouts. Add a little salt and pepper.
Continue cooking until bacon is fully cooked. Adjust seasoning as needed.
There you have it! This is a great dish because you get all the smoky flavor from the bacon into the sprouts. The sprouts get a little char to them without getting burnt. The only thing that would make this better is if we added potatoes - which is really good too. BTW, if you want to do that, add the potatoes with the bacon at the beginning. Add the sprouts in the same place in cooking to the bacon. Enjoy!

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