
Quest 35: Moon Tears

While playing the new release of Majora's Mask, it occurred to me that there are a lot of different items that do not come up in other games in the franchise. How to make some of these items into yummy treats for us to try? Then it hit me like a moon's tear - literally. So today, that is just what we are going to make. With a bubble gum center and layers of Jolly Ranchers this will make a jawbreaker-like effect inside. Enjoy this post and give it a try for yourself.

Note: You will be working with boiling sugar - it is HOT! Please be careful and don't let your kids do this one.

Gear! Get the Printable Recipe Here!
Super Bubble Gum
Bag of Jolly Ranchers - flavors separated
Wooden Skewers
Non-stick sauce pan
Sheet Pan with Silicone Mat

The Quest!

Unwrap the Double Bubble and put them on the wooden skewers. Set on Sheet Pan.

Unwrap the Jolly Ranchers and divide them into different flavors. For this we have decided only to use the blue raspberry ones, but you can mix and match.

In a saucepan, melt your jolly ranchers. If you want to get fancy, you can add some edible glitter.

Carefully, dip each bubble gum piece in the saucepan, shaking off the excess. Return it back to the sheet pan for it to harden. The excess will create a little tail. This is good! it will help to shape the tear.

Layer the candy on to the bubble gum, a little at a time onto the gum until it is to the size you like or until you are out of candy.

 When hardened, do your best to removed the wooden skewer and Enjoy!

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