
Quest 31: The Ocarina of Time

Has the thought of Daylight Savings Time got you down? Well in places where it affects you - have no fear! The Ocarina of Time can certainly help with this situation. Today we will be making these to just help with the shift in time. This is a slightly fancier version that you will find on the rice krispies website and I hope you enjoy!

The Gear! - Get the Printable Recipe Here
3 tablespoons butter
4 cups miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup peanut butter
3 T. Nutella
6 cups rice krispies  - I am using GF.
1 cup mini chocolate chips
2 bags Blue Candy Melts
3-4 tablespoons of Crisco

The Quest!

In a double boiler, melt butter. Add mini marshmallows and melt. 

Add peanut butter and Nutella - mix until smooth. Turn off heat.

In a large bowl, add Rice Krispies and marshmallow mixture. Mix together first with a spoon and then get in there with your hands - you are going to have to shape them anyways, so you might as well get dirty. When slightly cooled, but still workable, add mini chocolate chips. I originally used bigger chocolate chips - they were just too big - use the mini ones instead! 

Shape into an Ocarina shape - making sure that your stick out is secure and molded to be part of the shape. - Set aside on wax paper to fully cool.

In a double boiler, melt the blue candy melts. It was a little thick, so I added a few tablespoons of Crisco to thin it out. I also added a little blue food coloring to make them a little darker. 

Dip each Ocarina in the candy melt and return to waxed paper to harden and consider decorations.

Add any decorations: black sugar dots or chocolate chips for buttons. While candy melts are still soft so they stick. Wait until hardened and Enjoy!

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