
Quest 13: Deku Nut Trail Mix


While playing Ocarina of Time the other day, I realized that I under utilize the Deku Nuts that are so instrumental to helping out the Great Deku Tree free itself from the evil that Ganondorf has bestowed about it (blinding Gohma so you can stab her to death).  So this got me thinking about what we can do to celebrate the Deku Nut.  Which got me thinking about Trail Mix. Which of got me thinking about camping. The best things about camping is the hiking into the wilderness, but even if you are more of a pull-through camper, this trail mix is for you. I have decided that hazelnuts look the most like Deku Nuts, but if you have another favorite nut, feel free to use what you like.

Gear . . . 
1 cup Whole raw hazelnuts (filberts)
1/2 cup Raw pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup Dried Blueberries
1/2 cup Dried Cranberries
1/2 cup Dark Chocolate Chips

The Quest . . . 

Start by toasting your hazelnuts. Use a non-stick pan over medium heat.
Swirl the pan around like when you make popcorn. It will keep the nuts from burning.
Note: Do not add any oil to the pan.

As you heat the hazelnuts the outside skin will begin to crack
and naturally peel off. You can remove these with a spoon if you wish.

When the hazelnuts have become lightly toasted, smell lovely and most of the
peeling have come off on their own, they are done. Add them to a bowl and set aside. 
Next we will use the same pan to toast the raw pumpkin seeds.
Use the same swirling motion as before to keep them from burning. 

When they are lightly toasted, removed from heat and add to a bowl with hazelnuts.

Take your dried blueberries and cranberries and combine. 
Add the dried fruit to the warm nuts and seeds and mix together.
The warmth of the nuts and seeds will wake up the fruit.

Now add a freezer pak to the mixture to cool it down
without adding moisture. This should take about 10 minutes.
When the mixture is completely cool, return the freezer pak to the freezer.
Then stir in dark chocolate chips.


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