
Quest 14: Mmmmm Hmmmm. . . This is some tasty meat!

As we explore the many areas on our adventure in Oracle of Ages, we are bound to end up on Crescent Island. Here we meet the Tokay, a bunch of cute little green dudes that inhabit the island. Through the usual trading that is the Zelda series you can exchange the stink bag for the tasty meat here. (We'll get to the stick bag eventually). Well on this quest, we will be making our own tasty meat, and it is tasty. 

Gear . . .
2 pounds of beef sirloin roast.
1 teaspoon each of:
fennel seeds
course salt
dried parsley
15-20 sprigs of thyme

The Quest . . . 
Preheat the oven to 275 degree F.
Place your roast on a sheet pan that has been covered in aluminum foil.

You will want to pat dry the meat with paper towels.
This will help the spices stick and also help develop good color on the meat.

In a mortar and pestle, mix together fennel seeds, salt, peppercorns, cardamon,  paprika, and dried parsley.
Mix until the seeds and peppercorns are well broken down and  everything is mixed together evenly.

Brush the roast with garlic olive oil. Then rub with the seasoning mixture.
Coat all sides of the meat.
Don't have garlic oil? Here is a link on how to make it!

Spread the Thyme sprigs all over the meat.
Tie up the meat using butcher's twine to hold in place.
Brush thyme with more garlic oil.

Roast in the oven for about 2 hours. You can use a meat thermometer to get you
to the level of doneness you like best.
I like mine medium so I will cook it until the center reaches about 140 degrees F. 

Remove the roast from the oven and wrap it in the aluminum foil that is underneath the meat.
Let rest for 20 minutes before slicing.



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