
Quest 35: Moon Tears

While playing the new release of Majora's Mask, it occurred to me that there are a lot of different items that do not come up in other games in the franchise. How to make some of these items into yummy treats for us to try? Then it hit me like a moon's tear - literally. So today, that is just what we are going to make. With a bubble gum center and layers of Jolly Ranchers this will make a jawbreaker-like effect inside. Enjoy this post and give it a try for yourself.

Note: You will be working with boiling sugar - it is HOT! Please be careful and don't let your kids do this one.

Gear! Get the Printable Recipe Here!
Super Bubble Gum
Bag of Jolly Ranchers - flavors separated
Wooden Skewers
Non-stick sauce pan
Sheet Pan with Silicone Mat

The Quest!

Unwrap the Double Bubble and put them on the wooden skewers. Set on Sheet Pan.

Unwrap the Jolly Ranchers and divide them into different flavors. For this we have decided only to use the blue raspberry ones, but you can mix and match.

In a saucepan, melt your jolly ranchers. If you want to get fancy, you can add some edible glitter.

Carefully, dip each bubble gum piece in the saucepan, shaking off the excess. Return it back to the sheet pan for it to harden. The excess will create a little tail. This is good! it will help to shape the tear.

Layer the candy on to the bubble gum, a little at a time onto the gum until it is to the size you like or until you are out of candy.

 When hardened, do your best to removed the wooden skewer and Enjoy!

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Quest 34: 8-bit cookies revisited: Navi Cookies

Now, the last time we tried 8-bit cookies, Link turned out -  a little deformed for lack of a better word. I have to admit, it was complex and a little ambitious for a first try with the Play-doh fun factory. However, upon reflection it was a good experience that taught us a lot about this process and the amount of  patience needed to complete such a task. Having taken all of this into consideration, it is time to try again in a more simplified way - Navi cookies. Now, we have added the extra task of making these cookies gluten free, but I think we are up to the challenge. I hope you enjoy this redo and even give this a try yourself. It is not for the faint of heart, but it can be a very cool process nonetheless. Enjoy!

2 cups AP gluten free flour with xanthium gum added
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup granulated sugar
4 tablespoons powdered sugar
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter softened
1 large egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Black Gel Food Coloring
Dark Blue Gel Food Coloring
Play-doh Fun Factory
Plastic wrap

Let's make the dough! Cream the sugars and butter together, add egg and vanilla. Mix in flour, salt, baking powder. You have yourself a nice little dough!

Now the math comes in. In the last try at this, I failed miserably at part, but since I only have three colors, it should be much easier.

Here is your spreadsheet to help you out.

Divide the dough into three parts keeping in mind the percentages that you need for each. Wrap the largest in plastic wrap. Take the middle sized piece of dough and color it blue. Take the smallest and color it black. Wrap each piece in plastic wrap and let dough rest in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Prep your Play-doh fun factory by spraying it with some non stick spray - you will thank me later!

DSC_0122Using a little more math, we need to divide up the dough so that we will get the proper number of pixels in our cookies. Take the number of plain pixels for example, and divide it by 4 since we will get 4 pixels per press through the Fun Factory. In this case we get 18.something, meaning we will need 18 and some extra to splice the last piece. Black is easy - 6. And Blue is 10 and change.

Make sure you have a lot of room to do this part. We have a number of silicone mats that we will placing out pieces out on so they do not stick. Run your dough through the Fun Factory in this order: Plain, Blue, Black. If you don't do this, you will get dough that is multicolored.

Once you get all your pieces made, it's time to assemble. Start with the bottom of the picture and build up. Take your time and make sure that each pixel lines up. Square the cookie each row to make sure you are making a consistent shape. I also gently pressed the new layer to the previous layer.

Wrap the whole thing in plastic wrap and place in the freezer for at least 4 hours - I left mine overnight.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. Remove your cookies from the freezer to a cutting board. Cut the cookie block in half to see how you did!

Slice cookies and place on a sheet pan prepped with a silicone mat. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until light golden brown. Transfer to a cooking rack and Enjoy!

We hope you enjoyed this re-do of our previous 8-bit recipe. Just remember to take your time.

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Side Quest: Craft Night - Deku Scrub Flower Picture

I have a habit of not throwing flowers out until they are dried and the cats start playing with petals that have fallen to the floor. Though, not necessarily a good habit, it did give me an idea today for a quick and easy project. The colors I had to work with today where orange, white and purple. So I thought "Why not a Deku Scrub?"

The flowers I used where tulips, but any dried flower that retains its colors when dried should work just fine.

Dried flower petals
Glue - Craft or white glue is fine
Drawing paper

Start by choosing your flower petals. This will give you your pallet to work with. Next you will want to find your picture. I chose the Deku Scrub from Majora's Mask. An evil looking thing, but a character I have not given enough recognition to.

Next I drew a sketch of the basic outline onto a piece of drawing paper. It's thicker than regular printer paper and will hold the media a little better for you.


Then, I divided the petals into their different colors and placed them in a cup and cut them with a scissors until very small.

Just like using glitter, put the glue where you want the color to be. Drop that color over the whole thing. Wait a few minutes to let it dry and tap the excess off. Touch up with one color before starting another. For this, I did the purple first, then orange and finally white.

I think this turned out really cool and it didn't take much time at all to complete.

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Side Quest: Craft Night - Wall Decorations

This is a really fun craft that can add a lot of fun to a game room or a kid's bedroom. It's made by gluing together bunch of one inch wooden blocks together to make your favorite 8-bit characters. For this, we made Link and an Octorok.

Lots of 1 inch wooden blocks  - we got ours here!
Wood Glue
Damp Cloth
Paint and Paint Brushes
Spray Polyurethane

First we decided our designs. We did this by simply Googling Original Zelda in Images and selecting designs that were easy to divide into pixels.

Once you have divided your picture up, count the number of blocks you will need. We laid our blocks out and arranged them. The blocks had different colors and grains of the wood, so take your time to make it nice.

Glue the blocks together and wipe any excess glue off with a damp cloth. Let dry completely.

Paint Time! Paint your blocks the way you like. Tip: If you are doing Link, Zelda, or other Hylian character, leave their skin unpainted. You may have to paint other areas more than one coat.

When completely dry, spray with polyurethane - again, two or three coats are recommended.

Attach a picture hanger on the back and hang on the wall. Tada!

DSC_0101We hope you enjoyed this little side quest into the craft closet.

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Quest 33: Lemon Sun Tart - Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day! Each year, on 3.14 it is our duty as a part of the geek community to celebrate with delicious pie! Today, we will be doing our part by creating a tribute to both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. With Spring well on its way, it seemed appropriate to have something with a little Spring flair - Lemon Sun Tart. Now for those of you not playing along at home, sun markers appear in the Spirit Temple in OoT and in the Ikana Castle in Majora's Mask. This is so good, you may be making them again come Easter. Enjoy!

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2 cups almond flour
½ teaspoon sea salt 

½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon vanilla
5 Tablespoons of butter -  cut into pieces and cold 
3 tablespoons sugar
1 Large Egg

Lemon Curd
5 Egg Yolks
1 Cup Sugar
1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice and zest (about 3 lemons worth)

1 Stick of Butter - Cut into small pieces then chilled

Whipped Cream

The Quest!
 Start with the crust.  In a food processor, pulse all the crust ingredients until combined. 

Wrap the crust in plastic wrap and rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Press the mixture into either a greased large tart pan or two small tart pans. We are making one large tart pan for this post. 

Flash bake the crust for about 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool completely.

Now, let's make the lemon curd! In a double-boiler bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar whisk until smooth, about 1 minute. Zest and squeeze the lemons. Add juice and zest to egg mixture and whisk smooth. Place on double boiler. Continuously whisk until thickened over medium heat, approximately 8 minutes, or until mixture coats the back of a spoon and is generally the consistency of pudding.

Remove promptly from heat and stir in butter a piece at a time. Transfer to a container and chill for at least 2 hours. 

Putting it all together! Spoon the lemon curd into the cooled crust. Slice nectarines and wash berries.

Arrange fruit by creating a circle in the center - be creative - we used raspberries and blueberries. Then add nectarines as half of the sun rays and raspberries as the other half. Use blueberries for eyes and whipped cream for the whites of eyes and mouth. 

Gorgeous! Enjoy this lovely tart.

We hope you enjoy this recipe and Happy Pi Day!!

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Quest 32: Cucco Tortilla Soup

20150313_155713I have a new theory! I believe I may have found a new rift in the timeline. Now just hear me out. Link has issues with chickens. They wander into his way, berating him and baiting him into attacking them with his sword. Now instead of the chickens coming after Link and killing him - picture this: Link actually wins and there is a bunch of dead chickens everywhere. What to do with all this chicken? Glad you asked! Today, we will be sharing our recipe for gluten free crockpot chicken tortilla soup. This recipe is super easy, delicious and does most of the work while you're not there. Enjoy!

Gear! Get the printable recipe here!
20 oz. chicken breast - cut into small pieces
1 large red bell pepper - chopped
1 jalapeno pepper - chopped
1 small onion - chopped
2 garlic cloves - chopped
1 cup cherry tomatoes - halved
1 cup frozen whole kernel corn
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons arrowroot powder
1 carton of chicken stock
2 cups cheddar cheese - shredded
3 oz. cream cheese
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
salt and pepper

In a saute pan, sweat onion until translucent. Add peppers and garlic and cook for about 2 minutes. Add olive oil to a crockpot and set to low. Add pepper and onion mixture to crockpot. In the same saute pan, add olive oil and chicken to pan. Salt and pepper and cook until white. Add to crockpot. Using the same saute pan once again, melt butter and add arrowroot powder once butter begins to sizzle and foam. Whisk together until mixture is a medium brown color. Add to crockpot. Add chicken stock to the crockpot. Simmer for 4-6 hours on low. Add tomatoes and corn - continue to simmer for about an hour. Shut crockpot off. Stir in cream cheese and cheddar cheese until melted. Serve with tortilla chips and Enjoy!

If you like the Zelda Gourmet, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. We appreciate your love of Zelda too and want to hear your ideas too. Thanks!

Quest 31: The Ocarina of Time

Has the thought of Daylight Savings Time got you down? Well in places where it affects you - have no fear! The Ocarina of Time can certainly help with this situation. Today we will be making these to just help with the shift in time. This is a slightly fancier version that you will find on the rice krispies website and I hope you enjoy!

The Gear! - Get the Printable Recipe Here
3 tablespoons butter
4 cups miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup peanut butter
3 T. Nutella
6 cups rice krispies  - I am using GF.
1 cup mini chocolate chips
2 bags Blue Candy Melts
3-4 tablespoons of Crisco

The Quest!

In a double boiler, melt butter. Add mini marshmallows and melt. 

Add peanut butter and Nutella - mix until smooth. Turn off heat.

In a large bowl, add Rice Krispies and marshmallow mixture. Mix together first with a spoon and then get in there with your hands - you are going to have to shape them anyways, so you might as well get dirty. When slightly cooled, but still workable, add mini chocolate chips. I originally used bigger chocolate chips - they were just too big - use the mini ones instead! 

Shape into an Ocarina shape - making sure that your stick out is secure and molded to be part of the shape. - Set aside on wax paper to fully cool.

In a double boiler, melt the blue candy melts. It was a little thick, so I added a few tablespoons of Crisco to thin it out. I also added a little blue food coloring to make them a little darker. 

Dip each Ocarina in the candy melt and return to waxed paper to harden and consider decorations.

Add any decorations: black sugar dots or chocolate chips for buttons. While candy melts are still soft so they stick. Wait until hardened and Enjoy!

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