
Quest: 29: Bombs Away!

One of the most useful items in all of the LoZ titles are Bombs. I like that they allow you to not only defeat your hard to beat enemies, but also open up new paths to explore. In honor of this awesome item, we are going to make bombs! Now, before you go getting all crazy on me - we are making edible bombs that are no way harmful unless you are allergic to chocolate, fondant or cherries. That's right~ we are making chocolate covered cherries!!! Super easy, fun and of course - delicious. Enjoy these with your sweetie for Valentine's day - just around the corner!! Enjoy!

The Gear
10 oz, Jar Maraschino Cherries with Long Stems
8 oz, Melting Chocolate
6 oz. White Fondant
Waxed Paper
Cookie Sheet

The Quest

 First thing is to drain the bottle of cherries in a colander in the sink. You can also save the juice for a lovely cocktail later. Pat them dry with a paper towel and set aside.
In a double boiler over medium low heat, add fondant and stir until liquefied. If you have a little trouble getting it to melt, add just a tablespoon or two of milk to help get it going.
Turn heat off. Dip each cherry in the fondant. you may have to use a rubber spatula to help get the fondant onto the cherry. Let excess fondant drip off back into the pot.
 Transfer to a cookie sheet with wax paper on it. Let these set up for about 30 minutes.
In a double boiler over medium low heat, add chocolate and stir until liquefied. Turn heat to low. Dip the base of each cherry into the chocolate. Let the excess run back into the pot. Transfer back onto fresh waxed paper.
Once you have gone through all the cherries, they should be ready for their final coat. Take your first cherry and start again. Only this time, dunk the whole cherry into the chocolate. Again, you may have to use a rubber spatula to cover the cherry, Let the excess drip back into the pot and transfer to waxed paper.
 Let these set up for about an hour. You can trim off some time with a 30 minutes trip to the refrigerator if you have the space. . 

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