
Quest 28: Deviled Cucco Eggs

Cuccos are a great Easter egg to the Zelda lineage. Get it? Egg - Cucco. Okay, I understand I am not terribly witty, but that doesn't keep all the cuccos from making me bleed to death after repetitively assaulting one of their kin. Today, I have located some of their eggs and am going to make deviled cucco eggs. This is a simple dish, and many of you have even made these before. I am not trying to get over fancy with this one, but maybe give you some tips that will make the process a little easier.

The Gear: 
6 Eggs - Fresh Please
1 T. Dijon Mustard
4 T. Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip - Your preference. We're not going to start a fight.
1 t. Lemon Juice
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/8 t. Cayenne Pepper
1/4 t. Paprika + more for sprinkling

The Quest: 
Place your eggs in a sauce pot and fill the pot with cold water just to cover the eggs. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Once it boils, turn off the heat and cover the pot. Start the timer for 4 minutes. This will give you a boiled egg with a soft, bright yellow center that is just on the verge of being completely cooked. Drain eggs in a colander and set aside to cool.

Once cooled, peel the eggs. The best way to accomplish this to crack each end of the egg and peel the ends. Start on one end of the egg and peel, working your way around the egg and up. Like working up a slinky.

Slice your eggs in half length-wise. Admire your pretty yellow yokes with no green ickyness. With a spoon, remove the yolks into a bowl. Place your whites on plate and set aside.

Break the yolks up with a spoon. Add your mustard, mayo, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, paprika, salt & pepper. Mix together, If it seem dry and hard to stir, add a little more mayo. Adjust you salt and pepper to your liking.


With a small cookie scoop, place a level scoop full onto each egg white refilling the spot where the yolks were. If you want to get fancy, take a fork and dollop the top of the mixture to create textures.

DSCF1691Sprinkle a little extra paprika on top to finish it off.


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