
Quest 71: Reekfish

Summer is going strong here in Minnesota, which gets us out on the grill a lot more. I have been planning on doing Reekfish for a while now, but just didn't know what kind of reek we wanted to go with. Well today, I think I can finally share with you a recipe that has the right kind of reek that we can all get behind - garlic! This Twilight Princess delicacy is sure to please. Enjoy!

2 Whole Red Snapper Fillets - Tails intact
Garlic Rosemary Compound Butter - recipe below
Olive Oil

Compound butter is first . . .
 In a food processor add 5 garlic cloves,  2 fresh sprigs of rosemary, 1 tsp course salt and 1 tsp black peppercorns.
 Pulse together until garlic and rosemary is mince. Peppercorns may not fully grind.  Add a stick of unsalted butter. Pulse together until butter is fully incorporated with ingredients.

Spread butter onto plastic wrap. Form back into a stick shape. Place in the refrigerator for 2+ hours. Use within about a week or freeze and it will keep for about 2 months.
Let's make Fish! Today we are using Red Snapper, but you are looking for a nice fresh firm white fish that still has skin and a tail to keep things together.

Get the grill started! You want the grill nice and hot. Today we are using gas, but charcoal should work fine too.
 Open your fish up and pat dry with paper toweling - do this on the outside too. Check for bones by running your fingers over the flesh of the fish. Pull out any bones with clean pliers.
 Take 2-3 tablespoons of that lovely compound butter we made earlier and rub it into each inside part of the fish. Be sure to really rub it in to get the flavor penetrating. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
 Close the fish back together again. Brush the outside of the fish skin with olive oil. We used garlic infused olive oil in order to add even more garlic the party.
 Place the fish onto the hot grill. Cook the fish about 5-6 minutes aside or until the fish is flaky.  The outside skin should begin o blister and give good grill marks.
DSC_0716Enjoy this very garlicy fish with potatoes or Hylian Shroom Polenta!

Be sure to follow on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest from the Zelda Gourmet!

Quest 70: Hylian Shroom Polenta

I am super excited about the new LOZ: BotW game coming out. This has been a very exciting E3 week in general. So to kick things in the right direction. I am sharing a recipe we really enjoy in our house and also celebrates the introduction of the Hylian Shroom to the repertoire of ingredients found in the newest addition to the Zelda family. The wheels were definitely turning as I watched all the Treehouse footage this week - and the possibilities are looking pretty good. Anyways, if you haven't seen the trailer - where have you been? Get on YouTube and watch it! I hope you like this recipe/ Enjoy!

8 oz sliced mushrooms -I recommend using a variety of mushrooms for this because it really brings out the mushroom flavor.
2 T butter, divided
2 tsp salt
1 cup uncooked polenta
1 cup heavy cream
3-4 cups mushroom broth
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese


In a sauce pan, melt 1 T butter and add mushrooms. Cook together until mushrooms start to develop good color.

Add a 1 tsp of salt cook another 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat onto a plate for later.
 In the same saucepan, add 1 T butter, polenta, cream, 1 t. salt and 3 cups of broth.. Bring to a near boil, stirring regularly to keep it from stick to the bottom. Add more broth if the polenta is still uncooked, but had absorbed all the liquid.
 When is done, it will have absorbed most of the liquid and be a nice creamy consistency. This takes about 18- 20 minutes.
 Add grated Parmesan and mushrooms into the done polenta.
 Stir together until melted and delicious.
Enjoy with pork, beef, or just by itself. Leftovers are amazing the next day.

Be sure to follow on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest from the Zelda Gourmet!

Quest 69: Hyrule Baked French Toast

DSC_0784It has been a few weeks since the last post, and it has been eventful indeed. I just attended the gluten free feast in Minneapolis last week and there were a lot of different things I haven't had before. Both good and bad, GF products certainly run the spectrum of taste. It made me think about things I really used to enjoy before being diagnosed with Celiac and French Toast certainly made that list. The flavors are pretty generic and GF; however the bread is usually an issue. GF bread does not have a great reputation for being awesome. I have found some really horrible bread and some decent. Now, today I am using a brand that I have latched onto because I like it, but I am not being sponsored to use it. I hope you have options in your area and that you have the ability to try different ones to find what you like. Enjoy!

8 Slices of Hearty Artisan GF Bread - such as Schar
4 Eggs
1 c.Half and Half
1 T. Cinnamon
1 T. Maple Syrup
1 t. Salt
1 T. Vanilla
Powdered Sugar


In a throwaway aluminum pan, crack your eggs, add cinnamon, maple syrup, vanilla and sugar. Beat together until it comes together.

DSC_0777Add half and half to the mix and beat together.
DSC_0778 Add the bread to the mixture. I dip the bread and stack it on top of each other, so that it all gets a start on the soaking process. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge overnight.

DSC_0779In the morning, a good deal of the mixture has been soaked up. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Bake in the oven for approx. 20-25 minutes.
DSC_0780The baked toast will be golden and delicious. As an added bonus, the remaining soak becomes custard that is super tasty.
Serve along side some bacon. Top with powdered sugar, Triforce cut strawberries and more maple syrup.This brunch should give you the Power to get through another lazy Sunday.

Be sure to follow on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest from the Zelda Gourmet!
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