
Tingle's Random Cooking Tips: Lemon Curd

Kooloo-Limpah! Tingle is out and putting random stuff into the world. So, we've given him a chance to prove himself useful by handing out random cooking tips.  These tips are completely random when they come out - so stay tuned! Anyways, Lemon Curd is super easy to make and it sad that they charge so much for it in grocery store. Since it is citrus season, Tingle thought it appropriate to give you something to do with it all. This is not limited to lemons, but also try grapefruit, blood oranges, tangerines, key limes, etc. The best part - it can kept frozen for up to a year if we do things right. Keep some on hand for Springtime desserts and Summer trifles.

5 Egg Yolks
1 Cup Sugar
1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice and zest 

1 Stick of Butter - Cut into small pieces then chilled
Now, let's make the curd! In a double-boiler bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar whisk until smooth, about 1 minute. Zest and squeeze the lemons. Add juice and zest to egg mixture and whisk smooth. Place on double boiler.

Continuously whisk until thickened over medium heat, approximately 8 minutes, or until mixture coats the back of a spoon and is generally the consistency of pudding.


Remove promptly from heat and stir in butter a piece at a time. It should start getting think and rich.Transfer to a container and chill for at least 2 hours. Extra Tip! If it seems a little runny after chilling, you can put it back in the double boiler - if really runny also add another egg yolk and cook down until thickens up. Chill again for at least 2 hours.

To freeze, divide into small freezer safe containers. Label with date and keep in the freezer until ready to use - should keep for months.


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