
Quest 54: Magic Powder - Chia Seeds!

Magic Powder has many uses in the Legend of Zelda, so today we are working with one of our own magic powders - chia seeds! These versatile little superfood is not only delicious, but may even help stay on track with New Year's Resolutions. Give this first entry of chia seeds a try and bring a little magic to your day! Enjoy!

2 T. Chia Seeds - we used white
3.5 oz coconut milk - canned
14 oz can of diced mangoes IN JUICE!
1 T. vanilla paste

The Quest!
Add chia seeds to a 2 cup plastic container with a lid. Add vanilla paste.

Strain 1/4 cup of juice from the mangoes and add it to the chia seeds. Add coconut milk into and stir. There will likely be large chunks from the coconut milk - just keep stirring.

When it is well combined, add the lid. Give it a good shake and store in the fridge, You should be good to go in about a half hour, but I like to make it the before and eat it in the morning.

When ready to eat, add to a fancy glass and top with some of the mangoes from before and Enjoy!

Be sure to follow on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest from the Zelda Gourmet!

Quest 53: Bullbo Chops with Fancy Potatoes

20151212_180550The Bullbos are just roaming around Hyrule and we don't think that it is fair that all that delicious pork is out in the land and no one is enjoying it. So today our recipe is enjoying the chop part of the Bullbo. Avert your eyes my vegetarian friends - but again - we feel it is important that if you are going to eat something. you should know where it comes from. The pork chop comes from the loin part on the back area of the pig.


Pork Chops
Fresh Rosemary
Fresh Thyme
Salt & Pepper
Chili Powder

Baking potatoes - like Russets
Salt & Pepper
Tabasco Sauce
Sour Cream
Shredded Cheddar Cheese


Get your potato going. Make slices across the potato to create an accordion - but not all the way through!. Add butter, salt, pepper and Tabasco sauce. Place on a piece of aluminum foil and bake for 45 - 60 minutes depending upon the size of the potato.

Season pork chops with salt, pepper, chili powder, and cinnamon. Heat a pan over medium high heat. Add olive oil, fresh rosemary and thyme. Cook pork chops over herb bed until at least 145 degrees. Let rest on a cutting board until ready to eat.

Dress the potato with sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese. Place the chop of the plate with some greens/salad and Enjoy!

Be sure to follow on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest from the Zelda Gourmet!

Tingle's Random Cooking Tips: Lemon Curd

Kooloo-Limpah! Tingle is out and putting random stuff into the world. So, we've given him a chance to prove himself useful by handing out random cooking tips.  These tips are completely random when they come out - so stay tuned! Anyways, Lemon Curd is super easy to make and it sad that they charge so much for it in grocery store. Since it is citrus season, Tingle thought it appropriate to give you something to do with it all. This is not limited to lemons, but also try grapefruit, blood oranges, tangerines, key limes, etc. The best part - it can kept frozen for up to a year if we do things right. Keep some on hand for Springtime desserts and Summer trifles.

5 Egg Yolks
1 Cup Sugar
1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice and zest 

1 Stick of Butter - Cut into small pieces then chilled
Now, let's make the curd! In a double-boiler bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar whisk until smooth, about 1 minute. Zest and squeeze the lemons. Add juice and zest to egg mixture and whisk smooth. Place on double boiler.

Continuously whisk until thickened over medium heat, approximately 8 minutes, or until mixture coats the back of a spoon and is generally the consistency of pudding.


Remove promptly from heat and stir in butter a piece at a time. It should start getting think and rich.Transfer to a container and chill for at least 2 hours. Extra Tip! If it seems a little runny after chilling, you can put it back in the double boiler - if really runny also add another egg yolk and cook down until thickens up. Chill again for at least 2 hours.

To freeze, divide into small freezer safe containers. Label with date and keep in the freezer until ready to use - should keep for months.

Quest 52: Lemon Cucco Quiche with Ordon Goat Cheese

Cuccos are still running amuck throughout Hyrule. Here is another recipe to help thin the population while enjoying the lovely goat cheese from Ordon. This recipe is versatile enough to make into a pasta dish and is easy enough either way for a great week night meal. Enjoy!

1 10oz. chicken breast
1 15oz. can of artichoke hearts
3 oz. herb and garlic goat cheese
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1 Tablespoon capers
3 eggs
salt and pepper
1 GF pie crust


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Blind bake the crust for 10-15 minutes. 

DSC_0571Cut chicken breast into small pieces and cook in a pan until it turns white. 

Chop artichoke hearts into small pieces and add them to the chicken. Add lemon juice and bring to a boil.
Turn heat down to medium and stir in capers. Add goat cheese. Stir until melted.
 At this point, this dish can go a number of ways. You can use it as a pasta sauce with linguine -OR you can continue on and make a quiche.


Add filling to our pie crust from before. Scramble eggs and add it over the filling - making sure that it gets in with the filling. Bake on a baking sheet in the 350 degree F oven for about 20-25 minutes.

DSC_0578Ta-da! Enjoy warm or cool

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Quest 51: Ashes of Ganon Snack Mix

After many quests, Ganon has finally been defeated - for now. Since there is a chance that he can be brought back with the help of his minions, we have to snack fast. Luckily we can make this pile of ash into something delicious that will keep Ganon at bay. Enjoy!

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9 cups Corn Chex (For GF), otherwise you can use Crispix, Life, or other similar cereal.
DSC_05481 cup dark chocolate chips
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup nutella
1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Honey Roasted Peanuts

In an extra large bowl, measure cereal.

In a double boiler, melt chocolate chips, peanut butter, nutella and butter until melted and smooth.

Remove from heat and add vanilla. Pour mixture over cereal, mix together with two sandwich bags on your hands until evenly coated.

Pour powdered sugar over the top. Mix together with sandwich bagged hands until well coated.

Put mixture into a large ziptop bag. Add in M&Ms and peanuts and shake the bag until everything evenly distributed.

Be sure to follow on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest from the Zelda Gourmet!

Quest 50: Red Potion

Happy 50th Recipe and Happy New Year! Today I would like to share with you my take on the famous red potion that helps our hero keep going when all seems lost. This recipe is made in a blender and meant to be shared to help the whole party going until the bitter end. Remember to enjoy responsibly!


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Frozen Whole Strawberries
6 shots of Honey Tequila
GF Beer - Like Burning Brothers

Fill up your blender up to the top with frozen strawberries.

Add Tequila and enough beer to fill the blender half way.

Add Limeade until it fills up the rest of the blender.

Blend together until smooth and delicious. Pour into glasses and Enjoy!

Be sure to follow on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest from the Zelda Gourmet!

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