
Quest 41: Princess Hilda Cake

DSC_0610I was looking through my recipes the other day and decided that we have not done enough - if anything to highlight A Link Between Worlds. So today that is just what we are going to do. Does anyone remember Barbie Cakes? I think people still make them and they are the inspiration for our cake today - with a little Princess Hilda flare! This cake is going to be decorated with gold leaf. If you don't get the eatable kind, make sure to not let your kids eat that part - you shouldn't either. Enjoy!

Gear! Get the Printable Recipe Here!
Doll cake pan
Doll - if pan does not come with one
Cake Mix - We used Pillsbury GF Funfetti
Vanilla Extract
1 Can of Vanilla Frosting
White Fondant
Purple Spray Food Coloring
Gold Leaf
Popsicle Stick
Fondant Rolling Pin (plastic)
Wire for Crown

The Quest!
First we have to make the cake! There are many variations of Doll cake pans. Follow your manufacturer's information. My pan was assembled with a heat poll in the center to help the cake cook faster since it was all one piece. Other pans may have you make your cake in two parts. For the cake mix, I followed the recipe on the back with the exception of substituting the oil for mayonnaise and adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

I baked the cake per the pan directions at 350 degrees F for 50 minutes. It turned out really well and if you prepare your pan right - it pops right out! Let the cake cool completely.

Once the cake is cooled, apply a thin layer of frosting to help the cake from drying out. I also put the cake on a cake turner to frost easier.

Next, I fixed up the doll. Now some dolls are just a head and torso and some will be a whole doll. The one I worked with just had a torso and head. I first worked on her makeup a little more with some pink and gold Sharpie markers. I also fashioned a crown out of some gold wire from a champagne bottle.

Next, I took a small amount of fondant and began squishing it in my hands to soften - this can take several minutes for pre-made fondant. Then rolled out the fondant into a thin even sheet. I dry fit the piece first to make sure it was the right size. Then painted it with the spray food coloring. When dry, attached to the torso by wrapping around the it and adding a small amount of water with your finger to make the fondant stick to itself.

To finish up the doll portion of the project, I made open gloves for the doll using the same method only not painting. I also wrapped the fondant around a stick and secured them before pushing them up along the arms of the doll.

Let us next turn our attention to the dress part of the project which mainly deals with the cake part. I have attached the doll to the cake via a little frosting. I then took the remaining vanilla frosting a started to apply a generous amount to create the skirt. I used an offset spatula to do this, making large swirls as I went to create a draping effect.

I then made a cape for Princess Hilda as she is often depicted with by rolling out more fondant to size and lightly spraying with purple color to create a shadow effect. I made fondant balls and covered them with gold to create the shoulder plates to the cape.

The final touches to the lovely cake was the creation of the sash in the front. In the picture I saw that it wraps around her, so I rolled a small strip of fondant out and painted it purple. Then made a separate piece for the sash itself. I decorated the sash with gold of an upside down triforce. I also made impressions in the fondant with a toothpick.

I wrapped the first piece around the doll's waist then with a little water on my finger attached the front sash.

For the staff, I painted a popsicle stick purple. Added a piece of leftover purple fondant to the top with frosting. Then attached a triforce shaped piece of fondant wrapped in gold in the same fashion.

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