
Quest 40: Snapper Den!

Today's quest takes us deep into Woodfall where we find ourselves among the Snappers. These devilish turtles spin themselves around in order to knock us down and keeping us from reaching our goals. Therefore, we shall make a nummy treat of these Snappers that will make you lick your fingers clean!. These turtles would also be fun for a Mario Party or other video game themed get together. Enjoy!

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6 oz. Royal Blue Candy Melts
DSC_05676 oz. Dark Chocolate Candy Melts
3 oz. White Candy Melts
1/8 cup Caramel Sundae Sauce
1/2 cup Whole Pecans
1/2 cup Whole Walnuts
Silicone Mat or Parchment Paper
1/4 Measuring Spoon
Disposable Measuring Spoon

The Quest!

Arrange your nuts in a star pattern on  a silicone mat or parchment paper.

In a double boiler, melt the dark chocolate candy melts until just melted.

Spoon the chocolate over the arranged nuts to create the base of the candy. Let set up for a few minutes.

Taking the hot water from the double boiler, dip a 1/4 teaspoon into the hot water to warm the spoon and scoop out a ball of caramel sauce. Place the caramel ball onto each of the candies and let the chocolate set up completely.

Melt the royal blue candy melts in a double boiler until just melted. Spoon over the turtles to form the shell of the turtle. Let set up completely.

In a disposable icing bag, add the white melting candies. Place on a paper plate and microwave for a minute. Note: I checked mine every 30 seconds and still ended up with a small hole melted into the bag. Candy will be hot, so caution.

Snip off the very end of the bag and pipe a ring around the edge of each turtle.

Once this is completed, use any remaining to create designs on the shell. Let set up before serving.

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