Quest 96: Chocolate Coconut Cave Cake
There are many, many caves in the LoZ series. Including the very first one where the Old Man warns that it is dangerous to go alone. Of course, he doesn't accompany you, but at least you end up with a sharp stick to protect yourself. Today, I have for you different kind of cave - a cave of wonders if you will - at least if you like coconut. The concept is pretty 1950s, but the results are gluten free and delicious. Enjoy!
Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Mix -We used Pillsbury
Mayonnaise instead of oil in recipe, plus the ingredients on the box
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
2 egg whites
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup shredded sweetened coconut flakes
1 T tapioca flour
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
3 T milk
2 cups powdered sugar

Get started on the filling. Whip egg whites until soft peaks form. Add in sugar and whip together.
Mix tapioca flour and coconut together and fold gently into the egg whites.
The result should come together in a chunk.

It will dome up and pull away from the edges when it is done.
When the cake is cool but not cold remove from pan. It should release easier than if you wait until it is cold.

Drizzle over the completely cooled cake in a fancy design and Enjoy!
Follow the ZeldaGourmet to bring
LOZ into your home everyday! Enjoy
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