
Quest 94: Creamy Sundried Tomato & Pesto Cucco with Zucchini Noodles


In Breathe of the Wild I am so happy they brought back cucco corralling. This little piece of nostalgia helps bring the story back for people like me who have been playing Zelda since we were four. It is also good because it gives you a sense of purpose for a moment in the game - instead of ooh shiny! and running in the opposite direction you were heading until the next shiny thing comes along. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying BotW, especially in Master Mode. I just have to deal with my own demons with keeping concentrated on the task at hand. Speaking of which, today's recipe is Creamy Sundried Tomotoes & Pesto Cucco with Zucchini Noodles - Say that 3 times fast. Go ahead, I'll wait..... Anyways, this recipe seems like it has a lot going on, but it really isn't too bad on the difficulty scale. More time consuming with making the zoodles. If you can handle a nest of golden bokoblins, you can handle this recipe without issue. Enjoy!

20 oz. Chicken Breast
3 Medium Zucchini
3 T Pesto
1/4 cup. Sundried Tomatoes
1 Lemon
1/4 cup Parmesean Cheese
3 oz. Goat Cheese with Herbs
3 oz. Corn Spaghetti
1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream

Gather your ingredients!

DSC_0195Trim fat from chcken breasts. Season with salt and pepper.

Cook chicken breast in a pan until just white.

Zoodle your zucchini ti make long noodles. Cut longer pieces shorted for better noodle management.

Add pesto, sundried tomatoes, lemon juice, lemon zest, goat cheese and heavy cream to the pan of chicken. Stir to help the goat cheese melt. Bring to a simmer for about 2-3 minutes.

DSC_0198Bring together 6 qts of boiling water with salt. Add corn spaghetti to water and cook for 5 minutes. Add zoodles and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Drain noodles.
Add noodles to chicken.

Add Parmesean on top and enjoy!

Follow the ZeldaGourmet to bring 
LOZ into your home everyday! Enjoy


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