
Tingle's Random Cooking Tips: Compound Butter

Tingles thinks that we should start putting butter on everything. While I generally do like butter, I think he may be going a bit far. Apparently he kept playing music to the local cows and now has more milk that you can shake a stick at. Well, at least butter freezes, so let's get creative - Compound Butter is a great way to incorporate flavor and moisture into a dish. Flavor combinations are endless. Let's do it! Enjoy!

2-4 Sticks Unsalted Butter
4 cloves garlic
3-4 T fresh herbs (I used parsley, basil & rosemary)
2 T. salt
1 T. pepper

DSC_0269In a food processor, chop garlic cloves and herbs until fine. Add butter, cut into large cubes, salt and pepper/
Pulse until smooth and well incorporated.

With a piece of parchment paper. Empty out food processor in a lump of yummy butter.

Shape into a log; twist the ends shut and place in the fridge for about 2 hours. Enjoy!

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