
Quest 75: Frog Legs

DSCF1813Frogs, frogs, frogs. It seems that frogs are definitely a reoccurring theme throughout many LOZ games. Some are used for medicine and some will sing and play games with and give you gifts for playing along. Well today we have taken a much different approach to the frogs that have brought us joy - they are on the menu. Yes, frog legs to be exact. Now to be honest with you, this was my first time having frog legs, so I wasn't 100% sure what to do with them. In fact, looking at the package with the frog legs inside reminded me of 7th grade science on dissection day - minus the smell of formaldehyde. So, like everything else in this world - I googled it to see what other people did with them. Turns out the vast majority of the recipes found were either deep fried or the French style. I have decided to put my own slant on the French style today for a couple reasons. First, I don't really want to do a lot of deep frying - you can deep fry anything - trust me the MN State Fair is just around the corner. Secondly, I have a partial bottle of Merlot left in the fridge and I think they will go quite well with this dish. In any case, I hope you too will give frog legs a try - maybe even with this recipe. Enjoy!

2 pairs of frog legs
1/2 cup milk
2 T. AP GF flour
1 T. butter
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. red pepper flakes
1/2 t. parsley flakes
1/2 t. paprika
1 t. garlic, chopped
1/2 c. Merlot
1 T. butter
2 T. fresh parsley
1 T. lemon juice


First, we need to butcher our frog legs. Not as scary as it sounds. We just need to divide them into separate legs.
Soak the legs in milk for 30-45 minutes. Buttermilk might be a nice choice for this for future reference.
Let's get the coating ready. In a shallow dish, mix together flour, salt, red pepper flakes, parsley flakes and paprika.
Dredge legs in the flour mixture.
Melt 1 T butter in a nonstick pan. Add legs to pan and cook until golden golden brown. About 2-3 minutes per side.
Remove legs from pan and work on the sauce.
Add garlic to the pan and let cook for a minute. Add Merlot and cook down until reduced by half, Add fresh parsley and 1 T. butter to finish the sauce.
Add the legs back into the sauce to reheat. Coat in the sauce and serve.
Ta-da! Interesting and tastes somewhere between mussels and chicken. The Merlot really works well with the dish - as predicted. Hope you enjoyed!

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