
Quest 62: Bullbo Back Ribs

Bullbos are back on the menu once again while we enjoy the tasty, tasty ribs they provide. We even have a tasty little sauce to put on top. Enjoy!

Rack of Ribs - Pork
3 cups Apple Cider/Juice
Slow Cooker
Rib Spices
1 t. Onion Powder
1 t. Garlic Powder
1 t. Paprika
1 t. Cardamom
1 t. Course Salt
1 t. Pepper
1 t. Cinnamon

1/2 c. Chili Sauce
1 T. Apple Cider Vinegar
1 T. Brown Sugar
1 t. salt and pepper

Lay out your rack of ribs. Cover ribs with all spices and rub on to coat evenly.
Place the ribs in the slow cooker and add apple cider/juice. Set to high and cook for 3 hours or adjust to low for 5-6 hours.
Let's make sauce! Mix together all the items for the sauce and set aside for later.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Place cooked ribs on aluminum foil lined cookie sheet. Careful! The meat is falling away from the bones - we want them in tact! Cut into two pieces for portioning.
Brush with sauce and bake in the oven until caramelization happens - about 15 minutes.
Serve with a salad and Enjoy!

Quest 61: Rabbit Droppings

Rabbits work there way into many Legend of Zelda games, but whether it is Link turning into one or they are hiding behind rock on the Spirit Tracks - they all make poo. So, today's recipe is Rabbit Droppings, but we think you will like them because they are really egg free oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough - so you don't have to worry about getting sick from uncooked eggs. Not that it ever stopped us from eating cookie dough before. Oh well, Happy Easter & Enjoy!

1/4 cup butter, melted and cooled
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
2 Tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup GF flour blend with xanthum gum
1/3 cup GF quick oats
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts

Mix together the melted butter and brown sugar. Add a Tablespoon of milk, vanilla extract, and stir until combined.

Add the gluten-free flour and quick oats and stir until combined. If it is too dry for your purposes add a little more milk and stir until smooth.

Stir in the mini chocolate chips and then dig in!

Shape into small balls and Enjoy

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Quest 60: A Slice of Pie

Pi Day is here again and what better way to celebrate than by sharing a favorite and easy pie recipe with all of you. Conveniently, there is a bakery called the Bakery of Wheaton and Pita in Minish Cap where you can purchase a slice of pie for 40 rupees. Well, this pie won't set you back that much and it's also a no-bake pie! Happy Pi Day, Everyone. Enjoy!

Prepared Gluten Free Crumb Crust (We used chocolate snap)
6 oz. Cream Cheese, Softened
1/2 cup Whipping Cream
1 - 3.4 oz.Instant Pudding (We used Chocolate Fudge)
2 cups 2% Milk
8 oz. Cool Whip
1 T. Hot Fudge Sauce
Chocolate Shavings (White and Dark)

Prepare you crumb crust or simply unwrap if it is already done for you.

Using a hand mixer, cream together cream cheese and whipping cream until smooth.

Add milk and box of pudding and continue to mix until thickened and smooth - about 2-3 minutes.

Spoon mixture into prepared crust and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Spoon Cool Whip on top of pie and smooth out.

Heat hot fudge sauce in the microwave using directions and drizzle over the top of pie in a decorative pattern.

Add chocolate shaving on top. Refrigerate pie for 30 minutes. Serve and Enjoy!

Please comment, follow or just spread the word about The Zelda Gourmet! Enjoy!

Tingle's Random Recipe Tip: GF Meatballs

Meatballs, meatballs! Tingle wants to make meatballs. We did make meatballs back in the day with our lava soup recipe, but this one is a little different and is designed to hold up in the freezer. Can you imagine? GF meatballs where you actually know what's in them! Tasty!!

1 lb. Fresh Italian Sausage - Mild or Hot
2 Pesto cubes - See pesto recipe here!
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1/4 GF bread crumbs
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 egg - if needed
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 425 degree F. In a bowl add all your ingredients together - minus the egg.
Mix everything together until combined. Test making a meatball. If it stays together well, you are good to go. If they seem to be falling apart in your hand, add the egg to the mixture and try again.
Form all your meatballs and place them on a broiler pan that has been sprayed with oil.
Bake meatballs for 20-25 minutes or until thoroughly cooked.

To freeze them, let meatball cool completely. Divide meatballs into portion sized freezer bags. Label and place in the freezer until needed. Use like the grocery store frozen meatballs.

Please comment, follow or just spread the word about The Zelda Gourmet! Enjoy!

Quest 59: GF Macaroni & Cheese

Mac n' Cheese has always been one of my favorite foods. It has been a little more of a challenge since being diagnosed with Celiac. The boxed stuff is okay, but I would like share with you this recipe. What does this have to do with the Legend of Zelda? Well let me tell you - there are cows in the LoZ; and where there are cows - there is cheese! We often overlook the cows in OoT and Majora's Mask as anything but give me milk, and I think we should celebrate them a little more!And the macaroni part is just delicious - so let's just go with it! Enjoy!

2 cups GF Pasta - I am using Corn Ducks!
8 oz of Shredded Cheese - I an using a combination of various cheddar cheeses
2 T. Butter
2 T. Potato Starch
1/2 cup Milk
Salt and Pepper
1 cup frozen peas

Follow the directions for you pasta. Boiling water and salting the water before adding the pasta.
While you are waiting for the pasta to cook, shred your cheese.  Use block cheese - it melts better than pre-shredded cheese.
Drain your pasta in a colander and get started on the sauce.
In the pan you cooked the pasta in, melt the butter.
Add the potato starch and salt and pepper to taste. Cook together until the roux becomes a light brown color.
Add milk and allow it come to just before a boil.
Remove from heat and add cheese. Stir until melted
Add frozen peas and stir to combine.
Fold in pasta and enjoy as a side or as a meal unto itself.

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