
Quest 38: A Trip to the Beach on Koholint Island

Today, we make our journey to the Koholint Island for a little time on the beach. I was thinking about worms in the dirt the other day and since I have not made it since going GF, I figured the sky was the limit and I could make it any way I wanted. So that is just what we are doing. Using more neutral tones and not so much on the dark Oreos and chocolate pudding that we are used to, we shall depict the scene in which Link will find his sword. This recipe is so easy and your kids will love it too.  Enjoy!

Gear! Get the printable recipe here!
3.9 oz Vanilla Pudding mix
3.9 oz Butterscotch Pudding mix
4 cups of cold milk, divided
8oz. Cool-whip, divided
Blue Food Coloring - Gel type
Variety of GF Cookies: Wafer cookies, sugar cookies, Anne's Bunnies, etc.
1/2 cup of Walnuts - optional
4 oz. Cream Cheese
1 cup GF Chocolate Cookies, crumbed - I used Annie's Bunnies
Candy Pearls
Small Mint leaves

The Quest!
Let's set the scene! First, make your puddings in separate bowls according to the directions - with the milk :)

Add 1/2 the Cool-Whip to each of the puddings, folding gently. This will tone down the colors and add volume.

Divide the Vanilla pudding into two parts. Add blue food coloring to one of the bowls. Set puddings aside.

In a 8 or 9 inch square baking dish, put a layer of crushed cookies - I used sugar cookies.

Add a layer of butterscotch pudding over the first layer of cookies. Add the walnuts over the butterscotch pudding. If you have a nut allergy or if nuts just are not your thing, you can put another layer of cookies here.

Being careful, add the blue pudding to the bottom of the half of the square. Then add the remainder of the vanilla pudding. spread it out to make a 50/50 shoreline.

Add dollops of butterscotch pudding to the yellow part of the shore.


Using a toothpick, swirl the beach to make a two-toned effect. Just be sure to stay out of the ocean!

Add some wafer cookies to build dimension over the world. Fill in these areas with butterscotch pudding. Note: I did end up with extra butterscotch pudding - it was delicious!

Take a light colored wafer cookie, separate a layer and cut it down so it looks like a broken board. Add some left over Cool-Whip to make waves in the water.

Let's finish it off with cookie balls!
Cookie balls are super easy - cookie crumbs and cream cheese - That's it.

In order to keep the mess down, we mash my cookies in a zippy bag with a rolling pin and add the softened cream cheese to the bag. Work it together in the bag. we used both a small scoop and a medium scoop for this project. The small makes the sand dune. The large makes the sea urchin.

For the sea urchin, we made a ball and rolled it in candy pearls. Added a little leftover cream cheese for the eyes. For the sand dune, we added a couple of dried mint leaves - it was all I had, but you could definitely use fresh.

And for the final step, we added the sword that Link will come find - we know it's his because it has his hand on it! Ewww!

Well, that's all for now! Please follow on the social media to stay up to date with all the newest posts! Enjoy!


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