
Quest 17: The Tektites are coming, the Tektites are coming! Celebrate Geek Week

This week is Geek Week! What a great way to celebrate than with cake. Tektites are among the enemies that appears in every single Legend of Zelda game with maybe the exception of Skyward Sword. Even though I don't particularly like spiders, these spider-like creatures are the first things I go for when playing the original LoZ - mostly because the blue ones often give 5 rupee coins - We have to save up for the ever expensive blue ring. With spring in their step and usually appearing in hoards, these little guys are best shown as cake pops. Our quest today will be delicious and a hit at any geek party this week. 

Gear . . . 
1 baked cake - I used a GF cake
1 can of frosting to make the cake balls
1 can of vanilla frosting for the outside
Blue or Orange oil-based food coloring
Raspberry candy flavoring
Eye candy pieces - found at Target
Blue or White Pearl Sprinkles and Blue or White Regular Sprinkles
Lollipop sticks
Chocolate Almond Bark

The Quest . . . 

IMAG0191Start with a cooled, baked cake. I made a King Arthur Chocolate Cake in a 9 x 13 pan. Divide the cake into small manageable pieces. Over a large bowl rub the two blocks of cake together to crumble the cake into small pieces.

Mix in your first can of frosting. For this, I am using a triple chocolate chocolate chip frosting because I like the texture of the chips in the balls. Mix the the frosting into the cake crumbs. You may want to use your hands - gloves help keep things a little cleaner. Place the cake balls onto wax paper and freeze for about 2 hours.

Insert lollipop sticks into each cake ball.  In a double-boiler, heat the can of vanilla frosting until thinned. Add your choice of food coloring to the frosting. Also add 1/4 tsp. of Raspberry candy flavoring. Dip each cake ball into frosting and place stick into a chunk of Styrofoam. Place Styrofoam into the refrigerator to keep the balls cold.

Note: if you dip your lollipop sticks into the frosting first - you will have less slippage for the cake ball to fall off. 


Add a single eye candy piece in the center of the ball. Add four pearl sprinkles on the top of the ball and add a little other sprinkles to add texture to the body. Place in refrigerator when not working with cake pops.


Melt 2 squares of chocolate bark in a double boiler. On a piece of wax paper, use the tip of a rubber scraper to dip in the chocolate and form 'V' shapes. When chocolate is solid, push into the four corners of the cake balls.


Lined up together they make a formidable army that makes me want to grab my Master Sword.


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