
Quest 6: You Got the Map!

Wandering around dungeons got you down? Finding your way through those dark hallways of the underwold is now more delicious than ever. Many maps are found in chests or just lying on the floor, but these are found in the oven.  This week, I have two variations, the underworld is sweet to help you navigate the most twisted dungeon; and the overworld is savory to help you get from place to place topside. Either way, these simple but delicious snacks will help guide you to happiness. - Sorry, this recipe is not GF yet!

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Underworld Map Gear
1/2 Puff Pastry Sheet
2 T. Melted Butter
3 T. White Sugar
3 T. Brown Sugar
1 T. Cinnamon
Chocolate Mini Chips

Overworld Map Gear
1/2 Puff Pastry Sheet
2 T. Olive Oil
2 T. Parsley
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Pepper

The Quest . . . 
 Puff pastry comes from the freezer section of the grocery store. Thaw it in the frig for a few hours.

 Flour a clean work surface and carefully unfold the dough. 
 It will most likely have creases from the folds. With a floured rolling pin, gently roll the creases out of the dough without spreading the pastry dough any thinner. 
 Tip: Whenever you are not working on your dough, cover it with a damp towel. 
 Using a fork, prick the entire piece of dough until it is completely covered. 
 Divide the dough in half with a pizza cutter. 

Let's make the Underworld Map First . . . 
DSCF1378Preheat the oven to 400 degree F. Place one half of the prepped puff pastry dough on a greased cookie sheet and bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown. Don't worry about it being perfectly rectangular. Old maps look better this way.

This is what a done pastry look like. 
 Brush with melted butter. 

Top with cinnamon sugar mixture. Let completely cool. About 10 minutes. Meanwhile, decide on your map. I have chosen the Eagle which is the first dungeon in the original Legend of Zelda
Using your fixings, draw a map with the chocolate sauce (Navi: Watch out! It's thin and may run on you). 
Use the cherries, coconut, chocolate chips, etc. mark various things on the map. 
Cut into eight pieces with a pizza cutter and enjoy!

And now for the Overworld . . . 
Place one half of the prepped puff pastry onto a cool greased cookie sheet. Brush with olive oil. Then add chopped parsley. Set aside, but make sure the oven is preheated to 400 degrees F.
 Prep your veggies. I am using broccoli for the trees, mushrooms for the burnt trees, carrots for the bridge and asparagus for trees that make up the underworld entrance. I also use an olive for the doorway. For the water of the lake, I had a little trouble finding blue savory food, so I decided to use radicchio which is obviously purple. Just remember that you have to have a little vision to do some of these projects.

 Arrange your vegetables according to your design. I am doing the entrance to the first dungeon in the original Legend of Zelda, but feel free to do as you like. Add shredded cheese between the vegetables and around the edge. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the entire dish. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Cut into eight pieces with a pizza cutter and enjoy!


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