
Quest 102: Lime ChuChu Cookies

Chuchus are everywhere, but my favorite are the creepy version that shows up in Majora's Mask. The expression of the face and the fact that you can see what you will get as a reward are just too much. Today, we will capture these creepy little guys in a cookie with a sour twist - Lime ChuChu Cookies. They are basically a box of lime gelatin that got together with a sugar cookie. Surprisingly good with the sweet and sour combination. These are just about the simplest thing you can make. Enjoy!

1-1/2 cups butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 packets (3 oz) Lime Flavored Gelatin, divided
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
3-1/2 cups gluten free AP flour with xanthium gum - We used Pamela's!
1 tsp. baking powder
Candied eyes, heart pieces
Green Sugar Glitter

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. 

Cream together butter, sugar and 1 of the gelatin packets. Add egg and vanilla, Stir. Add in Flour and baking powder. Stir to combine. Let dough sit for 10 minutes.

Pour our second gelatin packet onto a plate. Form dough into 1 inch balls and dip into gelatin powder. Place on a baking sheet and with a cookie stamp or bottom of a flat glass, press each cookie flat. Add eyes, heart piece and additional sugar glitter. 

Bake for 8-10 minutes or until just turning golden. 

Cool on sheet for a minute or two before transferring to a cooling rack. 

Repeat until all cookies are baked. 


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Quest 101: Peanut Butter Labyrinth Cookies


Labyrinths are nothing new the LOZ franchise. We started with the lost woods that has turned up in nearly all generation from the orginial NES to the latest BOTW installment with not only the lost woods, but also two other labyrinths for us to tackle. But how do you capture that in an edible way?  Today, we will give it a try with peanut butter and chocolate goodness. The dough of this recipe is fairly sticky and delicate, but if you treat it right and are careful, they are just as good to look as they are the eat. Enjoy!

1 cup Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 cup Butter
1/2 cup Chunky Peanut Butter
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 T. Milk
1/2 t. Baking Soda
1 1/2 cup GF Flour - We used Bob Red Mill's Baking Flour
12 oz. Chocolate Chips


Start by creaming together the butter, sugar, peanut butter, eggs and vanilla extract. Add in the milk and then the flour and mix together until a soft, sticky dough comes together.
Roll the dough out on a piece of parchment or large silicone mat - parchment works easier. This one is more round, but the more rectagular you can get the dough, the better.

Melt your chocolate chips either with a double boiler or carefully in the microwave. Let the chocolate cool for a minute, then spead all the chocolate over the dough and spread to the very edge.

20180310_153321Using the parchment paper, carefully roll the dough like a jelly roll. Make it fairly tight, so there are no air gaps between the layers. You should end up with a lovely swirl. Divide the roll in half if too large for your fridge and wrap in plastic wrap before refrigerating for at least 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Slice your cookies into 1/2 inch slices and place on cookie sheet with parchment or silicone mat under cookies. Bake for 8 -10 minutes until golden around the edge.

Cool cookies on the sheet pan for about 3 minutes before transfering to a cooling rack. Bake remaining cookies and Enjoy!


Follow the ZeldaGourmet to bring 
LOZ into your home every week! Enjoy!

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