
Quest 24: Yellow Potion also known as Warm Apple Cider Punch

The leaves are starting to turn color and days becoming cooler. This always puts me in the mood for apple cider. It seems fitting to me that we make yellow potion today. Apple cider has sort of an amber color, but with a little alcohol and some imagination, I think we will get the idea. We haven't made an alcoholic drink in a while; still getting over the affects of the great fairies tears :) So today we will celebrate the yellow potion; an expensive potion appearing in both the Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks as an elixir for all that ails you - filling up all your hearts. I hope to give you that same effect (at least in theory) as you enjoy this drink at your next party. And as always, enjoy this responsibly.

Note: This recipe is for 2 drinks. If you have a large crowd coming, adjust quantities accordingly.
3/4 cup Apple Cider
1 Star Anise - whole
1/4 tsp Freshly Ground Nutmeg
1/4 tsp Cardamom
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
2 Slices of Orange
4 oz. Jameson Whiskey
3/4 cup Apple Wine, I am using homemade; whatever wine your choose - I don't recommend a sparkling wine for this.
2 Tall Mugs

The Quest!
 In a sauce pan, add your apple cider, apple wine, star anise, nutmeg, cardamom, and orange slices. Heat until just simmering.
 Remove the orange slices and place in your mugs. Also remove star anise and discard. 
Turn off the heat to your pan. Add in Jameson to the saucepan. Stir and pour into mugs. Serve with a cinnamon stick in each mug. Enjoy!

Get a printable version of this recipe here!
If you are making this for a party, you may want to keep warm by having it in a party sized coffee maker or crockpot. 

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