
Quest 16: Majora's Bread Mask


While questing along one day, I came across this creepy little man that sold masks (Ocarina of Time). I thought nothing of it until one of the masks came back to haunt me (Majora's Mask). With a little help from Tatl, we set things right. Now you too can enjoy the cheesy goodness that is Majora's Mask. Bread making may seem a little intimidating, but your patience will be rewarded.Sorry, this recipe is not GF yet!

Bread ingredients
2 tsp. dry yeast
1 1/4 c. Water (105 degrees F.)
3 1/2 c. unbleached flour
1/2 T. Salt
3 T. olive oil
Filling Ingredients
3 oz. goat cheese
4 oz. shredded white sharp cheddar
Basil leaves
2 T. olive oil
1 t. course salt

Soft and Sticky dough
Let the quest begin . . .
Sprinkle yeast into 1 cup of water in a bowl. Leave for 5 minutes; stir to dissolve. Mix the flour and salt together in your mixing bowl. Make a well and add the olive oil and dissolved yeast mixture.

Blooming yeast

While mixing, add the remaining 1/4 c. of water. Dough will form in a soft, sticky dough. Add additional water if needed 1 T. at a time.


At this point, you can either use your heavy duty mixer with the dough hook attachment and knead your dough for 5 minutes, or you can do it the old fashioned way and turn your dough out on a floured surface and knead by hand for 10 minutes. I am going for the mixer option. Your dough should be nice and elastic-y when you are finished.

Doubled in Size!

Place dough in an oiled bowl and cover with a clean towel in a warm place and let it rise for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, until it doubles in size.




Punch down your down and divide into two larger ball of equal size and one smaller ball. Begin to chafe. Chaffing is creating balls of dough and kneading the ball out in your hand, essentially turning the dough inside itself to continue to make a ball. Do this to each ball for 5 minutes each. Set your balls aside (hehe) and let rest for 10 minutes, covered.


Shape your dough onto a half sheet pan covered in parchment paper. By hand, you should be able to smoosh (yes, technical term) out the dough while creating a heart shape for the two larger balls of dough. When you stretched out the dough to about 9 inches across in the biggest area, take the smaller ball and make 10 pointed pieces to use for the side of the mask. Add the points to the bottom layer of the bread - 4 on each side and horns on either side of the top. 


You can begin to fill the first layer. 
Crumble goat cheese on the surface of dough (not on the points). 
Then layer basil leaves on top and finally the shredded white cheddar cheese. 

Add the other layer of dough over the filling. Pinch the two layers together to seal in the cheesy goodness. Cover and proof the dough for 30 minutes.


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Brush dough with olive oil.


Then with a small blunt object (I used chopsticks!) punch small holes into the dough to create your design. 


When you are happy with the design, sprinkle with course salt and bake for 30-45 minutes.

What we are looking for is golden and delicious and hollow sounding when you tap the top. Hot or cold, you will like it!


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Quest 15: Pass the air, please!

IMAG0137Today's quest we will celebrate LOZ: Skyward Sword. Wouldn't it be great if we could go underwater and stay there indefinitely just by drinking air? Okay, I know what your thinking, "we already do". Yes, but I'm talking about ditching the face-mask and tank.  Well today, we are going to make the air potion. Pretty blue in color and tasty to drink and not as loopy as the Great Fairies Tears. Just don't try drinking under water - it's not quite there yet. Makes this in front of your friends and they will think you are conducting a science experiment right in front of them.

Gear . . .

1/2 pkg. Berry-Blue Jell-O Gelatin
13744495546521/2 c. Boiling Water
1 1/2 c. Ginger Ale, divided
5 oz. Lime Margarita Concentrate
2 Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream

Makes 2 Drinks

Let's Get Started . . .

In a blender, add your half package of blue Jell-O. Add to that 1/2 c. Boiling Water. Let it sit for about a minute.
4-AB86EA21-815483-800 Using the liquefy setting, pulse for about 5 seconds. Next, Add the 5 oz. Lime Margarita Frozen Concentrate. Pulse together until well mixed (about 10 seconds). Add in half (that's 3/4 c.) or ginger ale and pulse for 3-5 seconds.
1374449645904Divide your drink between two glasses. I have chosen a couple of lovely beer mugs.
1374449646671 Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to each of the glasses.

Add in the last 3/4 c. of ginger ale, dividing it equally between the two glasses.

IMAG0136Give them a quick mix by hand with a spoon. Decorate and serve with a straw.



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